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New Lab Instrument Disintegration testing Tablet Disintegration tester

Rp 25.000.000 Rp 30.000.000
Hemat Rp 5.000.000
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New Lab Instrument Disintegration testing Tablet Disintegration tester












New Lab Instrument Disintegration testing Tablet Disintegration tester BJ-2

Applicable standard

National standard (Chinese Codex) /2000/
Corporate standard (Disintegration tester) Q/12xQ0188-2004


BJ series of instruments are used for detecting disintegration of solid in prescriptive conditions


1.Auto stop at timing point. Each test station is driven independently.
2.There are six tubes in basket assembly.
3.The bath liquid can achieve an even temperature.
4.Automation: auto-test, Auto-diagnose, auto-alarm.
5.Timing at will. The preset and real time data can be displayed alternately time.
6.A MPU is used to automatically control the temperature, time and frequency of nacelle
Back and forth.

Basket assembly 2
Niacelle back and forth frequency 30-32 min
Niacelle back and forth range 54-56 min
Automation time range 5-120 min
Accuracy of controlling temperature 37 +- 0.5 degree
Power 500w
Dimension 400x300x420 mm
Weight 16kg

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New Lab Instrument Disintegration testing Tablet Disintegration tester

Berat 16000 gram
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Dilihat 245 kali
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