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Resusci Baby QCPR with simpad plus skilr

Rp 200.000.000
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Resusci Baby QCPR with simpad plus skilr













































Resusci Baby QCPR with simpad plus skilr
Henti jantung bayi tidak sering terjadi, tetapi itulah mengapa penyedia layanan kesehatan perlu melatihnya. Resusci Baby QCPR memungkinkan responden pertama memperoleh keterampilan dan kepercayaan diri yang mereka butuhkan untuk bertindak cepat selama pengalaman stres tinggi ini. Resusci Baby QCPR adalah manikin resusitasi kelas profesional yang dirancang untuk keterampilan CPR Kinerja Tinggi dan pelatihan tim. Dirancang untuk menjadi fitur yang fleksibel, Resusci Baby QCPR dapat ditingkatkan untuk pelatihan infus intraosseous (IO) dan pelatihan manajemen saluran napas lanjuta.

Spesification :
– Gender, age, size : Full-body manikin,Infant, Pediatric
– Control Devices
– Airway features :
Endotracheal tubes – insertion, securing and care
Esophageal intubation
Realistic chest rise and fall
Supraglotic Airways (LMA, LTA and Combitube)
Jaw thrust maneuver (movable jaw)
Airway closes when neck is underextended
Airway closes when neck is hyperextended
Nasal passages open for nose pinch
Supraglotic Airways
NPA/OPA insertion
– CPR :
Anatomical Landmarks
Compression measurement and feedback
Detailed CPR evaluation
Mouth-to-Mouth ventilations
Ventilation measurement and feedback
Chest compression
Head tilt/Chin lift maneuver
Ventilations with visible chest rise
Hand placement measurement and feedback
Bag Valve Mask ventilations
– Nasoenteric and Esophageal Tubes – insertion, care, and removal
– IO Injections
Simulation administration
Event logging
WiFi operation
SkillGuide connectivity
Mobile application connectivity
SimPad connectivity
Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) operation
– Debriefing
Debriefing through recorded events
Quick Review of CPR performance

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Resusci Baby QCPR with simpad plus skilr

Berat 300 gram
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Dilihat 337 kali
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